Homework: Transformable Plans for Adoptable Living, a seminar on work in the confines of home, 2021.

This research examines 20th-century typologies of home (and home-like places) that accommodate work and adopt non-domestic acts. As the Covid-19 health crisis has radically repositioned the spatial parameters of urban life, the home has reemerged as an all-encompassing territory. While many have reorganized their lives to work, study, recreate, and live from home (at least in a makeshift fashion), for many others, work cannot be accommodated in the confines of their apartments or houses, which further exacerbates social, economic, and racial inequalities. Below are examples of animated mechanisms that are able to instantaneously and dramatically adjust space to accommodate opposing programmatic conditions—offering lessons for new forms of urban collective living and working.

For the research catalog on the topic of transformable plans, see “Homework: Elements of Transformation.”

Credit: Jeremy Gould, Walls-Doors-Stairs

Credit: PengMing Guo, Sinks-Cabinet-Desk

Credit: Marc Rosenfeld, Grids-Plugs-Curtains-Columns

Credit: Sean Conway, Screens-Storage-Volume-Stairs

Credit: PengMing Guo, Sinks-Cabinets-Windows-Doors

Credit: Sean Conway, Screens-Storage-Closets-Beds

Credit: Marc Rosenfeld, Grids-Plugs-Curtains-Columns

Credit: Jeremy Gould, Walls-Doors-Stairs

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